We firmly believe that:

1. Human beings are the most profound species in the entire infinite universe.

2. We are all part of One Divine System - where all beings are deeply interconnected with each other.

3. We are all part of One Supreme Consciousness. We are all same spiritually, and yet at the same time, we are all uniquely various physically and mentally.

4. All life is precious. All Human beings are equal.

5. Divine Unification of the Human race is a definite must. Unification is infinitely more powerful than individualisation and segregation.

6. Purity is the way forward. That is why complete eradication of negativity which resides within is a must. In order for you to make the most of your life, you must totally disconnect from negativity and from all its associated properties. And afterwards, you must consciously and wholeheartedly embrace positivity with all your being.

7. You are Divinely Purposeful and your purpose is to seek positivity in your own unique ways while expressing your eternal divinity. You are here to become your supreme self through the exploration of your infinite potential.

8. You are here to unlock and unravel the source of infinity which exists within you by aligning and harmonising yourself physically, mentally and spiritually with the all intelligent Infinite Consciousness which powers and empowers everyone and everything in the entire infinite universe. Because only then you will be able to experience eternal growth and infinite prosperity on the consistent and continuous basis.

9. You are here to lead yourself and everyone else towards the path of infinity, towards higher consciousness, towards infinite enlightenment. 10. Life is meant to be lived for others, not for ourselves. A life that is lived for others is a life well lived. We are all here to help, support, guide and uplift each other as much as possible. And we are here to do so however we can through the optimisation of all the available avenues, be it physically, mentally, financially and/or spiritually.

11. There are many ways through which you can be of help towards others but one of the easiest ways is through financial aid. Therefore, it is the moral duty of each individual soul to donate at least 20% of one’s yearly net income to the poor and the needy, so that the unfortunate souls can gain access to life’s most essential and important necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and/or education.

12. You are here to build a timelessly positive legacy by leading an inspirational life not just for the sake of your own self, but also for the sake of others, so that one and all can draw limitless inspiration from your divine thoughts and timeless actions - now, tomorrow and forever.

About the MESSIAH

Having witnessed. And experienced 1st hand. Up close and personally. The Messiah has seen and experienced many highs. And countless lows. And with each conquest over the dark times of His life. He emerged stronger. And more powerful. Than anyone ever thought possible. So much so that He went to redefine as to what possibility really and truly means. He went further. And beyond all the borders of all the impossibilities. In order to demonstrate to one and all, that any and all the impossibilities only exists within the mindset of Limited Minds. And that when you open yourself up. Anything and everything. Is possible.